Matcha Shortage: What You Need to Know

Matcha Shortage

Did you know the matcha tea market is set to hit 7.1 billion USD by 2028? This is almost double its 2024 value of 4.0 billion USD. The demand is rising fast, thanks to health trends, culinary uses, and cultural importance. But, a big worry is the matcha shortage that could hit many industries hard.

Matcha comes from the Camellia sinensis plant and is loved for its antioxidants. It’s used in tea and even in skincare products. But, issues like COVID-19, labor shortages, and bad weather are making it hard to get.

It’s important to understand why there’s a shortage and what can be done. This affects both fans and businesses. Let’s look into what’s causing the shortage and how we can fix it.

Key Takeaways

  • The matcha market is set to grow to 7.1 billion USD by 2028, indicating its skyrocketing demand.
  • Contributing factors to the matcha shortage include labor shortages, supply chain disruptions, and adverse weather conditions.
  • Matcha’s versatile applications span from beverages to skincare, further driving its demand.
  • COVID-19 exacerbated supply chain bottlenecks, making matcha production more challenging.
  • Approaches to address the green tea powder scarcity involve diversifying sourcing and investing in sustainable farming practices.

For more on matcha’s sustainability and storage, check out this resource.

Introduction to the Matcha Shortage

Let’s look into the matcha shortage crisis. We see a mix of high demand and supply issues. Matcha, a green tea powder, is now popular in kitchens and cafes, not just tea ceremonies. Social media and health trends have made it more popular.

Now, it’s worth $3.48 billion and could be $5.78 billion by 2028. But, making matcha faces big problems. Labor and weather issues threaten its supply. The demand is making things worse.

About 80% of adults want to live healthier, with 40% eating better. This has made matcha more popular.

COVID-19 has made making matcha harder with labor and delivery issues. Bad weather from climate change also hurts matcha crops in places like Japan and China. These problems affect the matcha market.

To learn more about matcha’s health benefits and how it’s made, check out this article. It talks about traditional ways of growing matcha to keep its nutrients. This is key when facing production challenges. Companies using matcha might also struggle to find good alternatives, which could lower quality.

In summary, the matcha shortage is a big deal. It’s caused by more people wanting a healthy lifestyle and problems in making matcha. The situation is complex.

Causes of the Matcha Shortage

The matcha market is facing big challenges. These include a huge rise in demand, supply chain problems from the global pandemic, and bad weather affecting matcha crops. Each issue plays a big part in the current shortage.

Skyrocketing Demand

Matcha’s popularity has soared because of its high antioxidant levels and health perks. The wellness movement has made matcha a top choice for health lovers. Social media also boosts matcha by showing off its pretty looks.

Supply Chain Disruptions

The pandemic has really messed up the supply chain for matcha. It caused delays and made importing matcha more expensive. With fewer workers in tea areas and rules on matcha imports, things got worse. Big companies like Starbucks even had to limit their matcha drinks, making customers upset.

Adverse Weather Conditions

Bad weather in places like Japan has hit matcha crops hard. The weird weather in 2022 hurt the special growth process matcha needs. Climate change is a big worry, as it makes weather unpredictable. This could lead to more shortages in the future.

CauseImpact on MatchaExample
Skyrocketing DemandIncreased market pressureSocial media-driven trends
Supply Chain DisruptionsHigher costs, delaysPandemic-related issues, labor shortages
Adverse Weather ConditionsDecreased yieldsUnfavorable weather in Japan

Impact of COVID-19 on Matcha Production

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the matcha industry hard. It caused big problems with not enough workers and supply chain issues. These problems have made it hard to get matcha.

Labor Shortages

Matcha farming needs a lot of hard work. The pandemic made it hard to find workers. This hit small farms the hardest, which are key for high-quality matcha.

Now, getting good matcha is tough for stores.

Supply Chain Bottlenecks

There are also big supply chain problems. The pandemic slowed down how matcha gets from Japan and China to stores. This caused delays, higher shipping costs, and less matcha for everyone.

Bad weather and farms getting bigger have made things worse. This means less top-quality matcha is available.

Key ImpactDetails
Labor ShortagesDecreased workforce availability in tea-producing regions
Supply Chain BottlenecksDelays and higher freight costs affecting matcha distribution

These problems are making people worried about matcha’s future. They’re worried about how much and how much it will cost. Finding new ways and being sustainable is key to fixing these issues.

Challenges in Matcha Production and Farming

Producing matcha is hard work that needs careful attention at every step. The old ways of making matcha show the big challenges today.

matcha farming issues

Labor-Intensive Process

Matcha gets its bright green color and rich taste from a hard process. Only the best young tea leaves are picked by hand for top grades. Lower grades might use leaves from different tea plants.

The best matcha comes from one type of tea plant, picked during a short time before harvest. This special shading is key to quality. It needs skilled workers, making matcha farming tough.

The COVID-19 pandemic made it harder to find workers in places like Japan. This slowed down making matcha. Older farmers are also a problem, making it hard to keep up. To see more about matcha, check out Matcha at Walmart for different brands.

Specific Farming Conditions

Matcha farming needs special conditions to stay good. The ‘shaded growth’ method, which boosts amino acids, is sensitive to the weather. Changes in the weather, because of climate change, can mess with this balance.

More people want matcha because of its health perks and how versatile it is. This demand puts pressure on old farming ways that focus on quality. To keep matcha sustainable, we need to use farming methods that are good for the planet and can handle climate change and worker shortages.

The Role of Climate Change in Matcha Scarcity

Climate change is making matcha harder to find worldwide. Bad weather like sudden frost and too much rain hurts matcha crops. This leads to less matcha being made than people want. Matcha needs special weather to grow well.

Sudden frost and heavy rain hurt matcha farming. These problems make old farming ways less reliable. Growers are finding new ways to keep their matcha quality and amount up. For example, matcha’s market value is expected to jump from $2.3 billion to $2.9 billion by 2028.

Matcha’s industry is also getting smaller, which can lower quality. This worries consumers. It shows why we need to support farming that can handle climate change. We need to work on making more matcha and finding new ways to farm.

Climate change is already hurting matcha production. Bad weather in 2022 led to less matcha being made. This was because more people want matcha for its health benefits and taste.

Looking into how climate change affects matcha can teach us a lot. For example, Whole Foods talks about matcha’s health perks here.

By trying new farming ways and using resources wisely, the matcha industry can keep making good matcha. It’s important for both makers and buyers to understand how climate change affects matcha. This helps us all as we look to the future of this special green tea.

Market Implications of the Matcha Shortage

The matcha tea market has seen big changes due to a shortage. Health trends and culinary uses have made more people want matcha. This has led to a rise in matcha prices, affecting both consumers and businesses.

Now, some people are looking for other teas or changing how they use matcha. This is because matcha has become more expensive.

matcha tea market

Increased Prices

The matcha shortage has made matcha more expensive. The world wants more matcha, but there are problems with getting it from place to place. Weather issues and climate change have made things worse.

Before, the matcha market was worth US$ 308.8 million in 2023. By 2030, it’s expected to hit US$ 532.6 million. That’s a growth rate of 8.0% each year from 2024 to 2030. A few big companies are controlling the market, which might affect quality and how much is available.

Shifts in Consumer Behavior

Because matcha is more expensive, people are looking for other teas. This is especially true for those who care about their health. Some are drinking less matcha or finding cheaper ways to use it in their food.

Businesses that sell matcha for special events or cooking are struggling. They need to keep their matcha good quality but are facing high costs.

Product TypeMarket Share
Additive-use Matcha Tea90%
Drinking-use Matcha Tea10%

Strategies to Mitigate Matcha Supply Issues

Industries are finding new ways to make sure we have enough matcha. They’re looking at different places to get matcha and using better farming methods. This helps deal with the problems of not enough workers, climate changes, and supply chain issues.

Diversification of Sourcing

One way to fix supply problems is to get matcha from different places. Looking beyond Japan can make supply chains stronger and lessen the risk from climate issues. Using matcha from places like China and Asia can also help meet global demand.

Innovative Farming Techniques

New farming methods are key to solving matcha production challenges. Using technology and automation can make farming easier. Research into sustainable farming can lead to more matcha and less harm to the environment.

These strategies make the matcha supply chain stronger. With the Organic Matcha Tea market expected to grow fast, these methods are vital for the future.

Let’s look at some big players and regions in the Organic Matcha Tea market:

Key PlayersAnnual Revenue
Aiya$30 million
Marushichi Seicha$15 million
DoMatcha$5 million

Here are some important regional facts:

  • North America: The U.S. and Canada are seeing strong growth.
  • Europe: Germany and France are leading due to a big demand for organic products.
  • Asia-Pacific: Japan and China are major players, with growing interest in India and Australia.
  • Latin America: Health and wellness trends are on the rise in Mexico and Brazil.
  • Middle East & Africa: The market is expanding in Turkey and UAE.


The 2023 matcha shortage has shown big problems in the green tea powder market. It’s due to a huge rise in demand because of health trends and its use in cooking. The COVID-19 pandemic also hit hard, making things worse.

Bad weather like heavy rain and late frosts in key areas like Uji, Japan, made things even harder. This hurt the quality and amount of matcha. Big companies buying out small ones has also changed things, possibly focusing more on making lots rather than quality.

Knowing why there’s a shortage can help us value matcha more. For buyers, it means understanding the problems producers face and being open to trying new things. We can help by looking for different sources, improving how we grow tea, and teaching others to buy in a way that’s good for the planet.

Looking into these areas can help keep matcha production safe for the future. The future of matcha production depends on it.

With prices going up because of higher costs and a lack of workers, matcha might get more expensive. This could make people look for other teas or change how they use matcha. But matcha’s special health benefits and cultural importance mean we should keep supporting quality production.

Seeing the whole picture of the matcha market helps us enjoy and use it wisely. This way, we can keep loving and using this special green tea for a long time.

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